"I hate my name. I hate any reference to my name. I wish people would completly invent a new one." - Robert Pattinson
I used to go to the gym for about five hours a day, but then I started losing so much weight. My head started to look really huge in comparison to the rest of my body. (Catherine Hardwicke) came up to me and said, ‘What are you doing to yourself?’” (To gain weight) I literally stopped exercising, he reveals. Eating a cheeseburger after two-and-a-half months of doing that – it tasted like ambrosia.— Robert Pattinson, 2008 Entertainment Weekly Interview
não há dúvida que a primeira coisa que eu faço assim que, um dia (talvez), conhecer o Rob, é pedir-lhe um abraço. nada de pedidos de casamento ou beijos. isto chega-me para toda a vida.
Sejam bem-vindos ao RPPT Team! Este é o cantinho da equipa do RPPT, onde dizemos tudo e mais alguma coisa sobre o Rob!
Esperamos que gostem!